These are words for the Order of the Pine, the service order of the Barony of Concordia of the Snows. The recipient is Elena the Blue, who is the baronial chronicler, has autocratted Coronation, can routinely be found helping in feast kitchens, and has been SUPER involved in promoting and supporting archery.
Her persona is early Norse, and her heraldry is an owl in flight on two arrows, crossed. I aimed for something with the general flavor of the Havamál, and slipped in kennings where I could.
Given at Bjorn's Ceilidh, Nov. 15, 2020
Arrow-swift, owl-wise, comes Elena the Blue
Unstinting is she in her service
To snow-limned Concordia
Formidable is she in in guarding the Barony
Training and supporting its sylvan defenders
Mindful that knowledge unites those parted
Does she labor to chronicle the snow-land’s deeds
Her words fly even through the aether
To bind us all one to another
Nor is she behindhand in hospitality.
She labors to feed hungry guests at many a feast
And also to host our mighty royalty
No service too great, and none too small
She sets her hand to labor at any need.
Thus are we, Faolán an Sccreccain and Maria Erika von Ossenheim,
Baron and Baroness of these drift-bound forests,
Minded to admit her to our baronial Order of the Pine
That all may know we have seen her labors
And desire to honor her.
Done this day ….
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